Thursday 5 August 2010

The Designers Society goes abroad!

Slight delay in updating the blog but we finally get back on track!

In February this year I invited Justus Oehler of Pentagram, Berlin to visit Plymouth and the Designers Society as the first lecture of the new academic year in October. Due to no longer being Chairperson at that time he invited myself and a select few to visit his studio in Berlin for a week at the start of July. 

Having already visited the Pentagram office in London where Domenic Lippa discussed the past, present and future of Pentagram our expectations were high. It was refreshing however to have a completely different presentation, not focused on Pentagram and its achievements but this time about Justus’ own thoughts on the design landscape with a focus on branding. A really open, honest and friendly man and with such an engaging and interesting talk, let’s hope when he visits Plymouth in October he discusses more of the same!

During our visit we also visited The Typographic Museum (who opened just for us due to being half way through moving location). This was set up by Barbara Dechant, a Graphic Designer, in 2005 and showcases an extraordinary range of collected type ranging from small 30cm display type to 8ft display letters! 

We also found some exceptionally large letters just around the corner too!

Whilst in Berlin we toured a number of studios. Alex and Ralph at UV2 showed a variety of their work and discussed the different culture and approach to design within Berlin, with a large amount of their work still trying to overcome the east and west divide. 

Daniel and a number of his colleagues at Research Studios discussed the best approach to getting into design studios, the language barrier for an english designer in Berlin and again, the distinct design culture present in Berlin and how it differs to the UK.

Our last stop was with Nadine at Edenspiekermann who discussed their unique structured approach to design. Erik also spared time to come and say hello! 

It was really interesting to find out how the German culture affects design.

We also managed to fit in a few touristy elements too and another highlight to the visit was spotting Audi celebrating the new A1 and being given a car to test drive for an hour. Having never driven on the wrong side of the road or left hand drive it was certainly an experience!

One of my favourite inspirational visits was to the Berlin Zoo which houses one of the largest aquariums in Europe. The patterns created by the jellyfish against the UV lighting really inspired me. 

In all, a successful visit and gives hope for where the Society will go next year and hopefully open to all! :-)

Sunday 20 June 2010

Ryan Thompson

One of the first few blog posts I featured was of a designer with a post-it note stuck to his head bringing up the question of how we label ourselves as creatives and is there any definitive way now that the boundaries are blurring. 

Having revisited Ryan's work it is something well worth showing. Based in Glasgow, his main emphasis of work follows branding and editorial design. The attention to detail within each piece is fantastic and each mark, each designed logo is almost bordering on a work of art. For example the logo for New Media Scotland.
One of the most impressive achievements is his membership of ISTD (International Society of Typographic Designers). This is not easily achieved! 

Explore his website and I hope it inspires you as much as it has for me.

A space for the DS in the degree show exhibition

We were lucky enough to be given a space to exhibit at the University of Plymouth's Degree show and managed to secure pride of place in the foyer of the main building.

We decided not only to show off some of the range of events we have held to advertise the society to future members and designers; but also the creative talent of our members. We displayed a range of entries from our award winning competition and exhibition held in January based on the members thoughts of 'Plymouth'.

If you get chance to visit, the degree show runs until 24th June 2010 in the Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth.


UPDATE 5/08/10:

This university liked the informative side to this exhibition, encouraging students from different creative backgrounds to work together, that it is has ben put back on show until the start of September!

The final event of our first year

On Monday 14th June local designer Nathan Davis from Tee Design in Tavistock ran a series of portfolio reviews with final year creative students. Nathan also founded and organises the Creative Brkfst networking sessions in Plymouth. These sessions were a huge success for those taking part and it is great to see such passion within the industry.
This was followed by Patrick Baglee running a similar session on Tuesday 15th. Patrick, who works at Navyblue in London, was one of the key influential factors behind forming the society and also our first guest lecturer. It was great that he had the opportunity of both starting and finishing the societies first year. Having seen students work in October he said how surprising it was to see just how far students had progressed, even to the degree of passing on details to fellow creatives in London.

Thus ends the Designers Societies first year of events. Any suggestions for future events or guest speakers welcome!

Jigsaw project under way!

The space is finally being built on. More images and info will come in due course...

Thursday 20 May 2010

two fantastic photographers.

No waffle - One word: WOW.

'Illustrator on steroids'

Stef Walker, Illustrator by trade, bloody genius is what we would say.

A selection of the DS committee were labelled at the Creative Brkfst earlier this month as 'Designers on steroids'. I would label her as an 'Illustrator on steroids'. 

Alongside her current mass of 3rd year university work, Stef has taken part in numerous competitions and exhibitions this year with work being featured in magazines, incorporated as film posters and even used as the 2010 University of Plymouth degree show identity. Did we forget to mention that she even created the promotional gin box packaging the DS gave to Pentagram partner Harry Pearce in January! I give up trying to list what she has accomplished this year. 

What a motivated student and something to shout about as an inspiration to all. 

Keep an eye on her - soon she will be big and famous!

Wednesday 19 May 2010

POST 100!

We have finally reached post 100 and with this comes the most ingenious use of an apple mac I have ever seen. I think we should post this photo to Apple with the suggestion an ilight-box or something. Well done Iain Rex! What other fantastic uses for an apple product have you got?

Tuesday 18 May 2010

A designer to fall in love with...

Never noticed the website of one of our 3rd year graphic communication students before and I wish I had! Adam works with a variety of media and has a very distinctive and original style. Keep an eye on him! We will be!

Saturday 15 May 2010

Jigsaw Project3

We have just been informed that the 'Jigsaw' site is being presented to the Lord Mayor of Plymouth on the 22nd of May. Not having been able to get in touch with the council on the matter to find out the final design there is always the suspicion on how the site will get from this to a finished piece similar to any of the designs shown in just over a week...



You wondered why the council were avoiding us... well heres the reason.

The site is just going to be left as a green parkland space. How exciting and revolutionary and lots of good design time well spent. However, a good brief set and some fantastic designs put forward. See more of these on our flickr site. 

Thursday 13 May 2010

Design and Discovery

Fantastic lecture just watched from David Carson on design. Need a laugh? Watch this.

Monday 10 May 2010

Hey guys I just found this website whilst doing some research and its got some great book covers on it, so go have a gander :)
David Pearson
Jamie Keenan
Jacob Covey
Lizz xx

Saturday 8 May 2010

Celebrate 1 year of the Designers Society

A celebration of the last year of the society.

A small selection of event posters showing a range of what we have been doing. Designed by our in house promotion team, Damian, Faye, Luke and Phil (with the Si Scott poster designed by Mella and Catkin).   

Also featuring our collection of gin packaging designed by a range of creative students given to lecturers as a thank you for dedicating a day of their time to us and the members. 

'The Genius of Design'

Convenient how weeks after showing the film 'Objectified' that the BBC are showing 'The Genius of Design'.

The first episode follows industrial and product design but later episodes will reach across all areas of design. Worth keeping an eye on and watching. It shows on BBC 2, each friday at 7pm.

You can watch episode one here.

A few months ago I was working late at night, saw a designers work and just knew I had to share this with the world. Luckily, as chair of the Designers Society I could. 

On 5 May 2010 Si Scott, the world famous illustrator, came to present to the Designers Society. An incredibly talented creative; his insight into the realities of work produced and the way the creative industry really is was really great to hear.

One of the other benefits to leading the Designers Society is being able to spend a large amount of time talking directly to these creatives and Si is one of those really passionate individuals who's work shines out above the rest. What a genuine and friendly guy to be around and most definitely stay in touch! 

Friday 7 May 2010

'Designers on Steroids'

It seems 2009/10 is the year Devon got creative and joined up with the rest of the country. Not only has the Designers Society grown and matured into something beyond my wildest dreams (and keep an eye on it as the plans I have set in motion for next year are going to be amazing) but 'Designed in Devon' has re-established itself as a leading south west networking group, Createxe has been formed by Michael Greenland and now Creative Brkfst has been formed by Nathan Davis of Tee-Design in Tavistock. 

It was nice to find this was in part inspired by what we are doing at the society leading Patrick's influence in full circle back into the industry. 


Today was the first Creative Brkfst and it was a huge success, selling all tickets. Michael Greenland presented a short lecture followed by a mammoth networking session with some amazing contacts made. Really gives inspiration that Devon is fast becoming the place to be for creative individuals!! (See photos of event)

Creative Brkfst runs every first friday of the month and worth visiting to see what they are about.

The video of Michael Greenland's presentation can be found here.  and it is worth listening to even if we can't see anything on screen!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Andy Warhol

New programme on the BBC about andy Warhol, the pop artist we know for pieces such as the 'campbell soup cans'

Documentary called: 

Modern Masters - Andy Warhol

The first in a four-part series exploring the life and works of the 20th century's most important artists: Matisse; Picasso; Dali and Warhol.

Andy Warhol

Because Jake said I have to prove I can blog

Hi everybody :)

Anyone reading this who has not done so already, please take the time to vote for my wee logo design for the men's basketball re-brand competition, just join the group and like photo 2 of 5:
simple as :)

Thanks everyone!

Rosi Digne-Malcolm

Good book!

Wicked book by Jonathan Barnbrook - Barnbrook Bible

Friday 30 April 2010

An Award!!

Last night was the University of Plymouth Student Union awards where the designers society won two awards!

1. 'Best Society Event'. This was when Harry Pearce from Pentagram came down to visit in January and present a lecture enticing designers and students from across the south west and also then afterwards opening an exhibition of students work which resulted in a work placement for one of the students and gave us the opportunity of working alongside the council on the Jigsaw project!

2. 'Best New Society of the Year'  Not only this but I won an award too for 'Contribution to Societies' for all the hard work that has been done establishing the society and making such a great start. It is coming up to the time when I should hand over to my replacement and it will be very sad to see it go out of my grasp, but I know it will be in fantastic hands and strive towards bigger and better goals!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Meet the designer who made the road signs... on top gear?

Thank you to Ryan Martin who pointed this out. Seems interesting but I think could have been better if it hadnt been Captain Slow presenting :D Interesting though...


I know it is looked well on design organisations taking an opinion and the Designers Society should be no different. I am as yet unsure what to make of this film that was introduced to me last night. 

It does not have a clear purpose, there is obviously a message but unclear at exactly what it is. I understand it has already been banned from Youtube but should vimeo do the same? So there is freedom of speech. Fine. I may not care as much if only I knew what the purpose of this film is. 

If you are ginger, now is a good time to look away.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Jigsaw Project

In collaboration with the 'Plymouth City Council' and 'Groundworks' the Designers Society has been working on the 'Jigsaw project' and what goes into the space between Roland Levinsky building and Drakes Circus shopping centre. Work doesn't seem to have much urgency at present but little by little changes are happening and today they rolled on some grass bundles! Soon start to take shape I hope.

Film Afternoon

What members ask for is what they get. 

In a recent questionnaire it was highlighted that people wanted to watch design documentaries. We mixed 'Objectified' with the film '300' (to provide a bit of fun in too) and it provided a very successful afternoon away from the torment of coursework (and I learned a few things and got inspiration at the same time too!) 

What other events would people like to see?

Public Face of Power

A little late on the update but last week we had a lecture on Eastern European Propaganda. This brought one of our best turnouts yet and it goes to show how little we know about the subject. Not only has eastern europe recently come out of censorship, but it seems we are still in it. We are taught about British and American design, but what about other cultures? 

Perhaps this is a way to go for the society in embracing the need for other cultures. What next - Korean/chinese?

The video is available to watch on our website