Friday 30 April 2010

An Award!!

Last night was the University of Plymouth Student Union awards where the designers society won two awards!

1. 'Best Society Event'. This was when Harry Pearce from Pentagram came down to visit in January and present a lecture enticing designers and students from across the south west and also then afterwards opening an exhibition of students work which resulted in a work placement for one of the students and gave us the opportunity of working alongside the council on the Jigsaw project!

2. 'Best New Society of the Year'  Not only this but I won an award too for 'Contribution to Societies' for all the hard work that has been done establishing the society and making such a great start. It is coming up to the time when I should hand over to my replacement and it will be very sad to see it go out of my grasp, but I know it will be in fantastic hands and strive towards bigger and better goals!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Meet the designer who made the road signs... on top gear?

Thank you to Ryan Martin who pointed this out. Seems interesting but I think could have been better if it hadnt been Captain Slow presenting :D Interesting though...


I know it is looked well on design organisations taking an opinion and the Designers Society should be no different. I am as yet unsure what to make of this film that was introduced to me last night. 

It does not have a clear purpose, there is obviously a message but unclear at exactly what it is. I understand it has already been banned from Youtube but should vimeo do the same? So there is freedom of speech. Fine. I may not care as much if only I knew what the purpose of this film is. 

If you are ginger, now is a good time to look away.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Jigsaw Project

In collaboration with the 'Plymouth City Council' and 'Groundworks' the Designers Society has been working on the 'Jigsaw project' and what goes into the space between Roland Levinsky building and Drakes Circus shopping centre. Work doesn't seem to have much urgency at present but little by little changes are happening and today they rolled on some grass bundles! Soon start to take shape I hope.

Film Afternoon

What members ask for is what they get. 

In a recent questionnaire it was highlighted that people wanted to watch design documentaries. We mixed 'Objectified' with the film '300' (to provide a bit of fun in too) and it provided a very successful afternoon away from the torment of coursework (and I learned a few things and got inspiration at the same time too!) 

What other events would people like to see?

Public Face of Power

A little late on the update but last week we had a lecture on Eastern European Propaganda. This brought one of our best turnouts yet and it goes to show how little we know about the subject. Not only has eastern europe recently come out of censorship, but it seems we are still in it. We are taught about British and American design, but what about other cultures? 

Perhaps this is a way to go for the society in embracing the need for other cultures. What next - Korean/chinese?

The video is available to watch on our website

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Favourite logo

Came across this in my old archives. No idea who did it, no idea where I found it, but it is just beautiful.

A few bits that inspire me :)

Christopher Wool
Hannah Hoch
hannah hoch
hannah hoch 1
Vaughan Oliver
Chuck Palahnuik

Lizz xx

Saturday 10 April 2010

Business Cards

Came across this article which details just how important it is for students to have their own business cards and start networking. Give it a read and get on with making your own! Don't leave it until you graduate!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

I dare you to...

How far do you go to show your love for a brand?

How far could you be dared to go?

Tango have linked up with to dare its loyal customers to go to extremes to show love for what they drink and then upload the videos. Pretty cool when you see what some of the people are doing not just for tango but all across the website! What a great site to have a laugh at people and take part yourself at some amazing stunts and activities!

Grand Designs

Thanks to Toucan Marketing for pointing this one out, Grand Designs Live will be in London between 1-9 May this summer. 

A great place to go to get inspiration from a range of interiors, product design, architecture, sustainable design and technology. As creatives, with the gaps between disciplines becoming ever narrower, we can be inspired by anything. This is a great place to go to view some of the leading ideas! Sooner you book a ticket (between £10-13 the cheaper it is!)

The dreaded creative block...

One thing we are always fighting against is the 'creative block'. Sitting there trying to come up with an idea can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. The great thing is we are not along in this. 

Scott Hansen recently asked a bunch of creatives how they tackle this all to familiar problem and great to see so many responses on the blog, from society friends like Si Scott and Airside studios to Eric Speikermann. Take a peek and maybe it will even help you out!


In what would seem a response to our upcoming lecture on Eastern European Propaganda posters on the 19th, I have found a great link for North Korean propaganda. Not a huge collection but shows how different the illustrative style is. Now all I need is a link to great british work!!